I actually have some evidence - personal, anecdotal evidence - that choosing a word each year can be really helpful. Is this practice on your radar? If not, let me tell you about it.
I began to be aware of this trend several years ago. I would see fellow creatives on Instagram choosing a "word of the year." I didn't pay much attention, and didn't really care. I was busy

with other stuff! But a couple of years ago I thought I'd try it -- why not? I can't remember offhand what my past words have been, one of them may have been luminous. Just because it's pretty. But last year and this year have been different.
This year my word is persist. I looked at a list of words that I found somewhere, probably Pinterest, and chose that one. I realize now that my knowledge of what I planned for this year informed my choice of word. And now my word informs my art practice.

I think I knew I would feel like giving up. I'd feel discouraged. This has showed up in many ways this year, too. I would be halfway through a 60 hour painting and not be sure if it was good enough to finish. I would put in many hours advocating for visual art and working in our small gallery that no one would see or notice. I would feel overlooked and unappreciated in different areas of my life. (please don't think I'm complaining -- I simply want to be transparent).
I would feel like quitting.
But here's how my word works. When I feel like quitting I remember my word, and I don't quit. When something's hard, I remember my word and I keep going. Persist. My word is a touchstone. This little word does a lot of the heavy lifting, mentally. It removes from me the

burden of having to decide whether or not I should finish what I started. My brain says "Persist. That's what you're doing this year."
Next year my word will be different. It will be what I need for 2025. But absolutely for the past two years this has worked for me. I've been amazed at the power of one little word. The brain is an amazing thing. I encourage you to choose a word for this coming year, and see how it works for you!
I would love to hear from you. Comment if you have experience with a word of the year, negative or positive!