Just. Begin. I have such a block about beginning this blog. It’s the first post so it needs to be just so. Well, at this point I am way past that, anything will do.
So, I participated in my first art crawl, actually my first event ever where I had a solo setup. You probably know this, but an art crawl is “a community event involving displays / sales of artwork across a community's downtown” (Urban Dictionary).

My little town hadn’t ever had one until our local art collective organized this one. I was located in our arts center, and enjoyed very much the many visitors who stopped by. I saw lots of familiar faces and met some new people! We’re having another one this fall – I feel the pressure to create more even as I type this.
This is such a dull little post, but maybe that’s good. Not setting the standard too high and all. I hope for these to be a regular occurrence, and not necessarily on Wednesdays. We shall see. I'll leave you with a sweet picture of me with my adorable stepdaughter. Have a lovely one!
